Carmen Electra’s real name is Tara Leigh Patrick and she has just turned 37 (born April 20, 1972). Now I can only imagine a few of you are giving it the big “Oh, God, not Carmen Electra” vibe, but I’m afraid there is no escaping it. Let’s face it, this is what she does best. It’s happened before (Tuesday Tabs #32) and now, 100 weeks later, it’s happening again.
Oh, one more thing. You’ll NEVER believe who convinced her to change her name to Carmen Electra? This, from Wiki: She moved to California in 1994, where she met Prince while auditioning for an all-girl rap group. Prince persuaded her to change her name to Carmen Electra and record a solo album. Soon after, she signed a recording contract with Prince’s company Paisley Park Records, marking the start of a short-lived singing career.
Only Prince could have come up with Carmen Electra!
Click image for NSFW version.
Let’s face it – she’s a bona fide pro.