Saturday, January 25, 2025


I nearly wet myself yesterday at the St. Remy market (where Princess Caroline and Princess Charlotte have a home and past residents have included two very close friends of mine, Van Gogh and Nostradamus) as I walked around, deep in thought, mainly about you.

You’ll recall previous sightings (here ) of crazy-ass dogs and ears at the markets. Well yesterday was slightly different, in the form of a human child. A baby, to be precise. But not just any baby – this little girl was chilling in the pram, being pushed around, while she FLIPPED THROUGH PHOTOS ON A DIGITAL CAMERA!! Just browsing some of the shots from earlier!

A baby! Flipping through photos on a digital camera! Come on, man!


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“Wow, that shot you took earlier was stunning, mom!”


I hope you enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed running alongside the pram as the mother tried to escape me, certain that I was some kind of pedo.

Now please resist the temptation to write in telling me amazing tales about your child or your friend’s child and how brilliant they are on a computer or at programming a VCR. I’m well aware of how technologically advanced kids are these days and the above pic isn’t necessarily mind-blowing. I just enjoyed it.

Write it in the comments section if you must.

Oh, there was another funny thing that happened. God, you know, these French men – they are such characters. Please enjoy this fellow in the background of a little pic I took of The Muse , as she shopped her head off at the St. Remy market:


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Clown in the background


It’s like they breed stand up comedians here.

Those are olives, by the way. In those baskets. A myriad of olives with different dressings and God knows what else.

They’re amazing.

Like you.