Thursday, February 6, 2025

August 28, 2009


After kidnapping her 18 years ago, Phillip Garrido kept Jaycee Dugard in his backyard and fathered two children with her. Garrido is a convicted sex offender and suddenly, out of the blue, walked into a California police station with the victim by his side. He told authorities that God had spoken to him. Obviously.

This, ladies and gents, is what a pedophile looks like:


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This, from Daily Mail:


A girl who was kidnapped on her way to school 18 years ago has been found alive and well.

Jaycee Lee Dugard, 29, told police in California she had been held prisoner by a known sex offender and his wife. Rapist Phillip Garrido, 58, fathered two daughters with her, one when she was just 14 and the second four years later.

Local police chief Fred Kollar said she and the children were forced to live in sheds and tents hidden in the Garridos’ back garden. They were born on the property and had never been to school or seen a doctor.


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Jaycee Dugard before her abduction (left) and a
police mock-up four years ago of how
she might look as an adult (right)


Sheriff Kollar said: ‘Our search revealed a hidden backyard within a backyard. It had sheds, tents and outbuildings.’ He said Miss Dugard and her daughters lived in two sheds, both about 10ft by 10ft. One was soundproofed and could only be opened from the outside. Power was provided by leads from the house’s electricity supply. They also had two small tents and a ‘ rudimentary’ shower and toilet. The secret backyard was hidden from neighbours by a 6ft fence and tall trees. Garrido got in and out through a tarpaulin covering the entrance.

Sheriff Kollar said: ‘Jaycee was in good health. But living in a backyard for 18 years does take its toll.’

The grey car used in the June 1991 abduction was also found hidden in the garden.


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Jaycee and her two children were forced to live in sheds
and tents at the back of Garrido’s house.


The revelations have shocking parallels with the case of Austrian Josef Fritzl, who fathered seven children with the daughter he kept prisoner in a cellar at his home.

Last night Miss Dugard had an emotional reunion with her mother Terry, who had been shocked and ‘overjoyed’ to learn she was still alive.

Neighbours of the Garridos in the town of Antioch, near San Francisco, said their house had barred windows and Garrido conducted bizarre religious ceremonies in a tent in the garden.

He has been charged with kidnapping, conspiracy, rape and committing lewd acts with a minor. His wife Nancy, 55, was charged with kidnapping and conspiracy.

Freedom for Miss Dugard, who her captors had renamed Allissa, came after Garrido aroused the suspicions of guards as he tried to give out religious leaflets to students on the Berkeley campus of the University of California.

A campus policeman checked Garrido’s record and discovered he was a listed sex offender and on parole after serving a jail sentence for a vicious rape and kidnapping in Nevada. in 1971.

State police were called and ordered Garrido to check in at his parole office. He arrived there with his wife, Allissa and the two children.

The parole officer was immediately suspicious as he had never seen the younger woman and the two girls on visits to Garrido’s home.

He called police who began questioning Allissa and discovered she was really Miss Dugard.

[read more here]


Read the rest of that story and once you’ve thrown up, you’ll be interested to learn that this chap had his own blog. Oh yes, you heard me. Not only that, he was also a religious fanatic. Here’s a quote from his blog : “”the Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.” (check out more here ).

This guy is absolutely cooked and reckons that once the police hear about the WHOLE story, they’ll find it quite heartwarming.

No spice. Check this out from The Times (UK) : “What’s kept me busy the last several years is I’ve completely turned my life around,” Mr Garrido said. “And you’re going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim – you wait. If you take this a step at a time, you’re going to fall over backwards and in the end, you’re going to find the most powerful heart-warming story.”

Ja, look, there’s not much we can do with these types. I’m just amazed at this latest trend (a la Josef Fritzl) of pedophiles and psychopaths suddenly being found with weird compounds at their houses and kids under the floorboards. They just keep popping up every couple of months.

“Ok, I’ve got one!!”

It’s like each one gets jealous of the next and wants to show off.