If you were sitting on the fence with that condo purchase on Greenpoint, now really is the time to put an offer on the table.
A number of consortia, most notably the functionally-named Cape Town Grand Prix Bid Company are making bids to bring the F1 Grand Prix to Cape Town.
The Cape Town Grand Prix Bid Company seem to have the inside track on most of the other contenders, having been invited to make a presentation to one Bernard Ecclestone next month on London-town.
This, from IOL:
The company was founded in 2007 by Capetonian Igshaan Amlay after a 12-year research and development phase.
Esther Henderson, the company’s chief communications officer, said the proposed Cape Town Grand Prix was modelled on the Monaco Grand Prix, which takes place in the streets of the playground for the super-rich.
“Green Point is ideal for a street circuit like the one in Monaco because we have so many beautiful natural sights in the area. So while Monaco is the ‘French Riviera’ we can have the ‘African Riviera’ in Cape Town.”
The first Cape Town Grand Prix has been mooted for September 2013.
Henderson said the route through Sea Point, Green Point and Mouille Point was chosen for its “sexy location”.
You’re damn right its a sexy location. When the wind is blowing in the right direction (sorry, Mouille Point, I couldn’t help myself).
An initial costing of using a street circuit has estimated a cost of around R100 million to upgrade the streets to F1 standards, whereas the cost of building an appropriate track would crack the R4 billion mark. So a street circuit makes more financial sense, then.
Also, it would be purely mindblowing. And beautiful.
So go ahead, snap up that little Atlantic Seaboard flat you’ve been eyeing.
You’ll be able to make back four months of bond repayments in four days, no sweat.
[Source : IOL]