Monday, February 17, 2025

‘Merchants On Long’ Stocks TRMNL Clothing

I’ve been rolling with a new range of golf shirts of late, thanks to Merchants On Long. You might have seen them before – with the embroided warrior, raising his shield. Very cool vibe, and something you should probably take a look at. They’re 100% cotton, made right here in Cape Town. So not only do they look cool, but they ARE cool as well – a rare combination. But don’t take my word for it, just ask GQ (what a dick).

Hey guys! Whatsup?

How cool are those two guys right there? Such a refreshing change from those Ralph Lauren Polo shirts rolling around town. You know, the ones with the oversized embroided pony and rider – generally worn by freaks. The cool thing about these shirts is you cruise-in and, seeing you from far, people have already started to judge you. They’re going like, “Oh God, look at this prick with his oversized-logo Polo golf shirt.” But then you get closer and, as they notice that it is not an embroided pony, but rather a warrior, their feelings of hatred for you immediately switch to that of jealousy – a wonderful vibe to witness. It is at that EXACT moment that you turn unto them, look them directly in the eyes and say, “hey!” It is at that point that they collapse and wade around in the ocean of cool you have just unleashed. I did that the other day on my way to the counter at vida e in Green Point. And if you thought that was enough, you should have seen the reception I got at the counter? The vida e staff basically lost their minds – I got high fives all round. I felt truly accepted by them – all thanks to my new TRMNL golf shirt. Elias, I should add, was particularly impressed.

Merchants On Long – quietly stocking TRMNL Clothing

So do yourself a favour and pop in at 2oceansvibe’s favourite store on Long Street, Merchants On Long – and check out the range of TRMNL gear – they’ve got the caps and T-shirts as well!

Seriously, that’s quite a cool vibe..

Not that the range of TRMNL stuff should be anyone’s main reason for going to Merchants on Long! Just being there is a treat in itself. I often just hang out there amongst the ferns, quietly enjoying the fashion, art and homeware sourced from around the continent.

Not that their website is any different – have a squizz right now at – some say it’s magical..