Saturday, January 25, 2025

March 9, 2011

‘Nitrogen Funerals:’ The Eco-Friendly Way To Deal With Death

Wow. Okay. So a Swedish company wants to make burials more eco-friendly by freezing dead people in liquid nitrogen, using sound waves to shatter the ice before drawing all the moisture out of the remains with a vacuum. Because the Swedish word for 'eco-friendly' also means 'traumatic' and 'awesome.'

Wow. Okay. So a Swedish company wants to make burials more eco-friendly by freezing dead people in liquid nitrogen, using sound waves to shatter the ice before drawing all the moisture out of the remains with a vacuum. Because the Swedish word for ‘eco-friendly’ also means ‘traumatic’ and ‘awesome.’

They – ‘Promessa’ – make a compelling argument, obviously – embalming fluid is all sorts of toxic, coffins aren’t exactly bio-degradable, and cremation leaves a chunky old carbon footprint. Granted, people who are dead or dying might not be entirely concerned with the environmental impact their burial ceremony will have; if they’re anything like me, though, they’ll  be concerned about whether or not they’re going out like the T-1000 from Terminator 2, which the Swedish service offers.
