Charlie Wilcox and her daughter, Lilly.
The Mother Of The Year title so far for 2011 has to go to this young lass from the UK. Her name is Charlie Wilcox and she just gave birth to a premature and underweight baby, who also endured carbon monoxide levels SIX TIMES higher than the level considered safe for a baby before birth. Why? Because mum smoked 3 500 cigarettes during pregnancy.
This shining example of maternal love was inspired by… are you ready for this… no, seriously, are you sitting down… the mum’s belief that smoking cigarettes makes the baby a stronger human being. Please note that I have not altered slang, grammar, or anything else that was said. This is a real human being talking here:
“I think it was my right and I don’t believe it was hurting Lilly. It’s making the baby use its heart on its own in the first place, so that when it comes out, it’s going to be able to do them things by itself. Where’s the proof that it’s so bad to smoke?”
Not only content with being an awesome mother, Charlie is also highly ambitious as you’ll see next:
“On a typical day when I was pregnant I would smoke a fag every 45 minutes, especially if it was the morning. I’d have a fag with every cup of tea I made. On an average day I’d smoke a minimum of 20. I love smoking. I love just having that something there to do. Roll a fag. Smoke the fag. Watch TV. Have another fag. You’re constantly doing something, so it makes it like a hobby. During my pregnancy, I thought that if I was smoking so much and it was cutting off oxygen to the baby, then surely it would have made her use her own heart and the muscles she’d have to use when she was out.”
Words. They seem to escape me at this point.
[Source: Daily Mail]