Americans put them in pies, Africans make them into bags and now, Russians turn into them. The drug, a mixture of codeine, petrol and paint thinners, is injected and actually turns your skin scaly and green like that of a crocodile. It also bursts blood vessels and results in amputation. Dodgy.
They call it the ugly, cheaper cousin of morphine and it’s taking Russia by storm. In the first three months alone Russian authorities confiscated over 65 Million doses and sent scores to rehab centres.
The problem: it can be made by anyone who has a couple of bucks to buy over-the-counter codeine pills. Here are a few other nutritious products it’s often also mixed with:
Vitamin Hydrochloric Acid
Vitamin Iodine
Vitamin Red Phosphorus
And get this, the high lasts only 90 minutes, but it takes almost an hour to cook, which makes turning yourself into a Krokodil a full time job. At least now they can say they are self-employed.
[Source : digitaljournal]