Wednesday, February 19, 2025

June 29, 2011

The Liberation Of Lyle Wilkens

Lyle Wilkens (@lylewilkens) saw the article about us giving away free 2oceansvibe Radio car kits – enabling him to listen to South Africa’s most exiting new internet radio station, 2oceansvibe Radio, in his car. Lyle was clearly tired of having no choice and realised that the one or two stations available on FM, were not made for him.

This was the result:

Well done, Lyle. And welcome to your new life.

To the rest of you who are ready to Tune Into The Holiday, click here to find out how to get YOUR free 2oceansvibe Radio car kit!

CLICK HERE to tune in to 2oceansvibe Radio RIGHT NOW on your computer. After all, there aren’t any FM radios around you right now, are there?