Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Eating Out: Now Comes With Spare Change, Courtesy Of Groupon

2oceansVibe Radio broadcast the Premier Show on Friday from a cosy Italian spot at the V&A Waterfront called Meloncino. Why would we be broadcasting from there, you ask? We were busy treating one lucky lad by the name of Brendon Bain to an afternoon of jollification, courtesy of Jack Daniels. In case you missed the last few months of fevered campaigning, 2oceansVibe and Jack Daniels are pushing hard to have Friday work hours amended to end at noon.

Naturally, Brendon and the four friends he had selected to enjoy his afternoon of power boating and Jack Daniel Whisky tasting needed a base of operations – preferably one that fed them, and fed them well. Meloncino fit the bill, to the tee. Nothing says “Good Friday Afternoon” like Cape Town’s officially-voted top pizza and pasta.

So the stars have aligned, as they do, to spread the love a little but further than Brendon. Much further, in fact.

Today’s awesome Groupon deal features Meloncino, and their award-winning pizza and pasta. No look, the 2oceansVibe Radio crew, along with Brendon and his four lady friends, is more than happy to attest to the quality of the fare.

Pay R99 for any two pizzas or pasta dishes or one of each at Meloncino, valued at R250. No spice. Promise.

E non è tutto! (“That’s not all.”) You also get 50% off all cocktails between 16h00 and 18h00. That’s what we call “love for your throat”.

This Groupon deal is redeemable for three months, so check out the main landing Groupon page for Cape Town, now!