Wednesday, February 19, 2025

July 8, 2011

To Catch A Sexter

Is it just me or are high-profile types doing an awfully large amount of sexting? There isn't a day that goes by where I don't see some celebrity that's in the news for sending naked pictures of himself. And now, To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen has made it into the news twice in a week for his pervy behaviour.

Is it just me or are high-profile types doing an awfully large amount of sexting? There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t see some celebrity that’s in the news for sending naked pictures of himself. And now, To Catch a Predator’s Chris Hansen has made it into the news twice in a week for his pervy behaviour.

Last week Janey Bee reported that Chris Hansen, famous for laying down the law on internet perverts, has been cheating on his wife with some woman called Kristyn Caddell. And yesterday it came to light that the fool also sent her some naked phone pics of himself. Sexy sexy.

According to The Daily Mail, Caddell showed the pictures to several of her friends, who had a good old giggle at them:

One of the images shows Chris standing in a hotel room in front of a large mirror. He’s wearing only a white bathrobe that’s completely open – showing off his entire chest and midsection – with one hand concealing his genitals.

The other photo was reportedly taken with Hansen lying on the hotel room bed, wearing the same bathrobe.

But, according to reports, Hansen’s photos failed to stir anything other than some light comedy:

The photos were obviously intended to be erotic and make Kristyn hot but they came across as sort of cheesy – and even made her laugh. She cracked a couple of jokes about his size and sexual performance.

A tip for anyone thinking of sending naked pictures of yourself to someone: Don’t.

Oh, and it seems Caddell’s trying to come clean out of this wash, but seriously Kristyn, you’re a bit of a slag.

[Source : The Daily Mail via KTLA]