Like bootleggers from the olden days, three American girls recently set up an illegal lemonade stand. They actually had the audacity to try and pawn their goods off to the unsuspecting public WITHOUT a city food and beverage permit! Luckily, good police work took care of that and the girls’ illegal and dodgy activities have now been brought to an end.
I’ll let Midway Police Chief Kelly Morningstar take it from here.
“We had told them, we understand you guys are young, but still, you’re breaking the law, and we can’t let you do it anymore. The law is the law, and we have to be consistent with how we enforce the laws. We were not aware of how the lemonade was made, who made the lemonade, of what the lemonade was made with, so we acted accordingly by city ordinance.”
[Source: The Coastal Source]