Sunday, February 16, 2025

March 26, 2012

Violent Road Rage Caught On Camera In Brazil [VIDEO]

After a motorcyclist decides to split lanes in Brazil, a nearby motorist berates him for doing so. He responds by kicking her car. Mistake. Watch as she rams him and his bike into the vehicle in front of her. Not giving up without a fight, however, the biker jumps onto her bonnet and clings on for dear life as she speeds away.

After a motorcyclist decides to split lanes in Brazil, a nearby motorist berates him for doing so. He responds by kicking her car. Mistake. Watch as she rams him and his bike into the vehicle in front of her. Not giving up without a fight, however, the biker jumps onto her bonnet and clings on for dear life as she speeds away.

There seems to be quite a lot of debate in the comments section under this video about who should be blamed. Some say it is the motorcyclist for not obeying road rules in the first place (as well as kicking the car), while others are referring to the video as “Angry woman versus bike.” Make of that statement what you will.

Check it out and decide for yourself:

This is not the only incident of road rage we’ve seen recently – earlier this month there was the shocking footage of a taxi driver attacking a pedestrian. And in February we reported that a bus driver in the UK has been jailed for mowing down a cyclist.

[Thanks, Arno!]