Complaints of inter-patron racism have rocked Virgin Active recently. A third racial complaint has now been lodged, this time at Virgin’s Hatfield gym, resulting in a man being suspended for spitting at another member. Charming.
Brian Maluleke says he’s not keen to set foot back inside the Pretoria branch, after a white gym-goer allegedly spat at him.
“I asked him why he spat on me,” says Brian. The other man replied, “It was a mistake. Sorry, dude. I was trying to lift a weight”.
Last year, Virgin Sandton member, Liz Hleza complained that she was told to keep quiet and was called a “bloody k*****” by another member. In February, Lesley Mofokeng laid a criminal charge against a fellow member at the Sunninghill branch in Johannesburg, after he was allegedly called a “boy”.
Virgin Active dealt with the earlier incidents and publicly defended the brand; the most recent complaint is most unfortunate for all concerned.
[Source: IOL]