Thursday, January 23, 2025

June 27, 2012

Leap Second Scheduled for June 30, 2012

Attention time geeks: a leap second has been scheduled for June 30, 2012. The month will be one second longer, to re-synchronize Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is based on an atomic clock, and Universal Time (UT) which is based on the earth's rotation. Basically it's a cool moment where your clock will legitimately read 23:59:60.

Attention time geeks: a leap second has been scheduled for June 30, 2012. The month will be one second longer, to re-synchronize Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is based on an atomic clock, and Universal Time (UT) which is based on the earth’s rotation. Basically it’s a cool moment where your clock will legitimately read 23:59:60.

UT and UTC have moved out of synch because the earth’s rotation is gradually, and unpredictably, slowing down. Which is terrifying and also true.

A total of 24 leap seconds have been added at irregular intervals since 1972, which is when the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service got started. Yes they are really called that.




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