Saturday, January 25, 2025

November 13, 2012

The World’s Most Extreme Rube Goldberg Machine [VIDEO]

Red Bull's marketing strategy seems to be, "I see what you did there. Hold on while we do something 1 000 times more awesome and post it on YouTube." Well, they've nailed it again with the craziest Rube Golberg machine ever. Bigger and more intense than 'ol Rube could ever have imagined.

Red Bull’s marketing strategy seems to be, “I see what you did there. Hold on while we do something 1 000 times more awesome and post it on YouTube.” Well, they’ve nailed it again with the craziest Rube Golberg machine ever. Bigger and more intense than ‘ol Rube could ever have imagined.

The Red Bull Kluge is an obstacle-course-like contraption run by some of the world’s greatest athletes and extreme sports stars — including Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones, skater Ryan Sheckler, and Scottish trials cyclist Danny MacAskill. There was no wave pool for Jordy. Next time.

More than 25 tons of material was used to create Kluge — which is from the German, “Klug,” which means “clever.” The entire stunt took more than 100 builders and 17 days to complete.

[Source:  Mashable]