Meet Hannah Strabata, of Stromsburg Nebraska. Hannah is a troubled youth, and not very smart.
Hannah committed various crimes, including stealing a Pontiac Grand Am car, robbing a bank of more than $6 000, and filling a pipe with copious amounts of marijuana, and smoking it.
Hannah committed all of these crimes on “the best day of her life”, because she is a “victim of the government”, who needed to pay off a student loan, and go on a shopping spree.
Hannah admitted all of this in a YouTube video, which she produced (badly), and uploaded herself.
Hannah is now in police custody, awaiting trial.
Here’s a photo gallery of Hannah being arrested in the same clothes that she was wearing in the video.
She faces charges of armed robbery, grand theft auto, and sampling the video backtrack from Greenday’s first bad album.
[Source : YNT]