Sunday, January 19, 2025

May 7, 2013

In Case You Missed It: The Most Awkward Handshakes, Ever [GIFS + VIDEO]

From the high five to the congratulatory shake, getting it so wrong is easy, and the results can be catastrophic. Do you shake or hug? Do you shake or high five? Do you shake... or bump? The possibilities are endless, and so are the camera angles, apparently.

You might remember this little gem of a video, showcasing the awkward slide and shuffle as expertly demonstrated by 2oceansvibe Head of Sales, Dean “Eyes” Delaney.

We’re big fans of awkward moments here at 2oceansvibe, and the opportunity for awkwardness is strongest when handshakes come in to the picture. From the high five to the congratulatory shake, getting it so wrong is easy, and the results can be catastrophic. Do you shake or hug? Do you shake or high five? Do you shake… or bump? The possibilities are endless, and so are the camera angles, apparently.

Number 1: The Sidestep


Number 2: The Pre Game Fail


Number 3: The Man Of Faith


Number 4: The Follow Through


Number5: The Orgy

Buzzfeed has the full, curated list. It’s much longer, and amazingly amazing. You should check it out, HERE.

[Thanks Evan!]

[Source: YouTube, Panic Dots,, Freaky Fail, Full Punch, Funky Junk]


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