Tuesday, January 14, 2025

June 6, 2013

Rare Image Captured Of A Baby Born While Still Inside The Amniotic Sac [PIC]

In a very rare incident, this baby was delivered while still being inside the amniotic sac. The baby was born on Amarousin, north of Athens on 12 March 2013. The obstetrician captured this image.

Obstetrician Dr Aris Tsigris captured this image of a baby that was delivered via caesarean section. The baby was still inside its amniotic sac, and it was intact. The baby was born on Amarousin, north of Athens on 12 March 2013. Dr Tsigris explained that while the amniotic sac is intact, the baby will act as if it were still in its mother’s womb.

This incident according to Dr Tsigris is a very rare occurrence but places no risk on the baby. The baby continues to feed as if it were in the womb and only once the sac is broken will the baby start breathing.

The amniotic sac is where the baby grows inside the mother’s womb. The fluid in the sac protects the baby from possible injury. It also provides the baby with fluid that enables it to breath and swallow.

This rare incident happened to actress Jessica Alba in 2011 while giving natural birth to her daughter Haven. Alba said:

The doctor had never seen anything like it before. He grabbed the nurse and said: “Look at this!”

I was in the middle of pushing and he told me to hold on a minute and not to push. He was wearing basketball shorts and a T-shirt and said: ‘Oh I have to get my scrubs on for this!’ The sac burst on its own after she came out. It was a trip.

[Source: Daily Mail]


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