Activists are calling for the implementation of murder charges against police on the scene of the Marikana massacre on 16 August 2012. The surfacing of a fourth camera angle appears to show police firing without provocation at a slow moving crowd of miners, moments before the now-famous massacre scene unfolds. This, from the Mail & Guardian, who report on the matter, here:
Filmmaker Rehad Desai, who is a member of the committee, screened footage he had uncovered during the course of researching his documentary about the events of August last year, at a special press conference in Johannesburg on Monday.
Desai said this new footage, shot from a “fourth camera angle”, “put paid” to the South African Police Service’s “official narrative that police spontaneously used their firearms in the face of an alleged imminent attack by miners that jeopardised police officers”.
The footage, previously unseen by the public, first shows miners peacefully moving off the koppie towards the Wonderkop informal settlement in the presence of police and army armoured vehicles.
Read the rest of the report, here.
[Soure : YouTube, M&G]