Oh what people do for a taste of a bit of fame on the interwebs these days. Sigh. Stephen and Alysha McLaughlin, from Canada had a baby. It was a girl. So , as one does, they went online and asked the people of Earths internet-using community to put their heads together and name their bundle of joy on their behalf. Because that’s EXACTLY what you do when you want the perfect name for your child! So after the polls were tallied and the votes were in, the result of the vote for number one baby name came in. And shocker of shockers it was decreed that the child’s name should be, wait for it, Cthulhu All-Star.
Oh, in case you are wondering, a ‘Cthulhu’ is a mythical beast. Hello, this is my infant child, Mythical Beast.
Okay, so at the end of it all, this couple chickened out and named their daughter ‘Amelia’ instead. Apparently that was the second most popular choice of name amongst voters. Hilariously questions do start arising when one ponders on the fact that number ONE was Cthulhu All-Star and then number TWO was the utterly normal Amelia. Who really IS using the internet these days anyway? We must admit this whole song and dance is ultimately a slight let-down after all the hoo-ha surrounding this massive decision and especially since the resulting elected name is so priceless. They could have at least kept the ‘All-Star part -surely?
[SOURCE] Metro