On Friday night a 22 year old man went on a killing rampage after posting several angry YouTube videos and premeditating a mass slaughter in his university town of Santa Barbara, California. Here is the video he made just before.
Rodger’s father, an assistant director on The Hunger Games, is said to be “absolutely broken” after his son carried out the massacre near UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), which left six dead and many more injured.
The sister of Peter Rodger told Sky News the family was “in total shock” – and she condemned US gun laws.
Jenni Rodger, who lives in Cazals, France, said: “I can’t imagine how awful this must be for the families of those killed. My heart goes out to them.
”I don’t know how on earth a sick, disturbed young man was able to get hold of a gun.
“He was always a disturbed child. I don’t know how he was allowed to get a gun. Something has to be done about gun laws in America.”
She added: “Pete is absolutely broken. He is such a sensitive being. I can’t see how he’ll ever recover from this.”
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There are several sources who report that Elliot has long suffered from psychological problems and that the family were worried as long as a week before this incident took place that there was something dire brewing.
Meanwhile, Alan Shifman, attorney for Peter Rodger, assistant director of The Hunger Games series, said the family had not yet seen the young man’s body.
Shifman said family members called authorities several weeks ago after being alarmed by YouTube videos “regarding suicide and the killing of people.”
MORE: Man suspected in Calif. shootings felt spurned
A YouTube video posted Friday in which a young man complains of rejection by women appears to be connected to the attack, said Brown, who called the attack “the work of a madman.”
“We’re analyzing both written and videotaped evidence that suggests that this atrocity was a premeditated mass murder,” Brown said Saturday.
Later, Brown added that the online videos Rodger made were “chilling.”
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Elliot authored a manifesto detailing his life of loneliness and frustration which you can read through in full here. In it he admits that had police searched his room they would have found evidence of his plans.
Watch his chilling final video above.
Michael Moore, filmaker of Bowling for Columbine, was asked to comment on this incident and had this to say:
Everything I have to say about this, I said it 12 years ago: We are a people easily manipulated by fear which causes us to arm ourselves with a quarter BILLION guns in our homes that are often easily accessible to young people, burglars, the mentally ill and anyone who momentarily snaps. We are a nation founded in violence, grew our borders through violence, and allow men in power to use violence around the world to further our so-called American (corporate) “interests.”