Imagine the scene: you have just pulled out of your driveway, you look up to check your hair in the rear-view mirror and BOOM! A Harrier AV-8B smashes into your house, exploding and setting your abode on fire.
This is not the first time a Harrier from the Yuma air base has “fallen out of the sky” but the first time it has crashed into a residential area in Imperial, California. Thankfully, according to MSN news, nobody was injured in the accident. The pilot was sent to hospital for a check-up but seemed in good health – although definitely shaken.
The brunt of the damage was contained to one house but a few others sustained some fire damage as the buildings are fairly close together. The most severely damaged home had lost its roof but the walls and windows escaped intact.
Thank goodness no-one was hurt, this could have been far more tragic! More details here.