If you’re engaging in some immoral extra-marital affairs, the last thing that would probably not help keep it quiet is having your name and face plastered across a billboard.
This is what has happened to British Politician and Ukip party leader Nigel Farage who, despite denying it, has been accused of having a little side-action of his own; so a “infidelity dating” site, Victoria Milan, has used Farage as their poster-boy.
The ad shows a smiling Farage, pint in hand, with the caption: “German wife? British Mistress? Now I Can Have Both!”
Victoria Milan founder and chief Sigurd Vedal did have something to say about his company’s new campain:
“Every one of us has weaknesses and so does Mr. Farage. His colleagues have publicly admitted that women are his biggest weakness, and media reports have confirmed this fact.
“Some weaknesses are best kept hidden. The story of Mr. Farage is a warning to anyone who wants to keep his or her affairs out of the front pages.”
At least they congratulated him on his party’s win.
[source: Huffington Post]