Wednesday, February 12, 2025

July 9, 2014

Looking To Borrow Cash? Don’t Do What This Guy Does

You know when you come across that Gumtree ad of the long board you so badly want...and it is such a good deal, but you just do not have the cash - Try this...or don't....

There’s nothing better in life than knowing you always have the option to lean on total strangers for financial help.

What’s that? You rely on the bank and/or close family and friends with these types of issues? How so very normal (and right) of you!

Just incase anyone feels like helping out a random stranger, with the full intent of getting your money back plus interest, but aren’t too phased about the tit bits (such as who this person actually is) you can help out this guy, who only needs R1000 until the 26th July. No tricks or funnies please – you guys always cause trouble.  

So simple. So straight to the point. So not happening.

Check out the full ad on Gumtree.