As with all big tragedies, people need time to absorb what has happened and get a little way through the grieving process before it can become subject matter for comedians. We know this all too well with our very own Trevor Noah doing a whole skit about it being “too soon” to joke about certain things. ‘
But the real question is, when does it stop being too soon to joke about tragedies? Hours? Days? Weeks? Years?
Who really knows, all we can tell you is that people were SERIOUSLY unimpressed by Jason Biggs’ joking tweet about the latest tragedy to befall flight MH17.
Shortly after news of this horrific incident broke, Jason tweeted the following:
While he was initially defensive in response to the plethora of “too soon, this isn’t funny” comments, he did subsequently delete the tweet and clearly state he had not meant to cause offence.
Check out some of the responses and his subsequent tweets here courtesy of NY Daily News.