What is the fascination with posing on elevated things and posing as The Karate Kid? I had to photograph an ex-boyfriend doing that in every place we visited in South America, for four months. I wish I was joking, but I have an actual folder somewhere filled with dozens of these pictures.
So you can understand my utter terror on finding out that Google has built a robot that can do “the crane” from The Karate Kid.
At the same time though, it’s great to know that robots are getting more “human”.
The ability for a robot to walk, run and generally stay upright is no small feat. The human body is held upright not by magic, but by constantly adjusting muscles, all controlled by the brain, which gathers information from places like the ears, which help us manage balance.
The humanoid robot balances on cinderblocks and manages to not fall off, even though it looks a bit shaky at times.
Check out Mashable