There is a war going down in Ferguson, Missouri. You remember the cop that said “I will fucking kill you!” during a riot? Take a minute to re-read that piece of ‘history’ and make yourself acquainted…
Ever since then, there has been violent protests and disputes about how police treat minorities. And in a worse turn of events, the KKK are threatening to use “lethal force” against anyone involved in these protests.
According to Talking Points Memo, Missouri chapter of the Ku Klux Klan distributed fliers near Ferguson, saying “We will use lethal force as provided under Missouri law to defend ourselves,” the flier said.
Then, the war between the KKK and Anonymous (a “loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist”) started, and went cyber.
[…] The International Business Times reported, the Ku Klux Klan tweeted, “Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of wannabes. They won’t take any action. We will not be brought down by some low-lives behind a screen.”
And then ‘Anonymous’ hacked into the KKK’s community via their twitter handles. #epic
They have even managed to hack into several KKK accounts and publicly expose the members online.
According to the map below, you can see that there are a few South Africans involved.
So nice to see that racism is still alive down south in the land of the free. What a bunch morons – somebody needs to get on board with Anonymous and help expose the rest of this decrepit crew of buffoons.
If there are any takers out there, get involved asap. There is still hope for the human race!
Visit Times Live to read the whole shebang