Thursday, February 13, 2025

December 2, 2014

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Animals Sacrificed In Nepal [Hectic Photos]

Check out these jaw-dropping images from the world's largest animal sacrifice in Nepal. How is this is still allowed to happen is another debate altogether...

The largest traditional animal sacrifice in the world began last weekend in southern Nepal.

It’s a two-day festival called Gadhimai Mela, where an estimated 4,000 buffalo, goats, and pigeons were slaughtered on Friday alone. And they expect there to be a LOT more. Apparently, ‘In 2009, an estimated 350,000 animals were killed. Close to 500,000 animals were expected to be sacrificed this year, despite campaigns to ban the festival.’

The festival, held every five years, is committed in the name of the goddess of power and devotees believe the ritual will bring them good luck.

This makes me feel terribly uneasy…

For more pics check out Business Insider