Thursday, January 16, 2025

December 3, 2014

Dear Nedbank, Surely This Is Illegal?

I'm sure it's illegal to send spam text messages and ask people to opt out AFTER the fact. But Nedbank seem to have taken things to the next level.

I’m sure it’s illegal to send spam text messages and ask people to opt out AFTER the fact. But Nedbank seem to have taken things to the next level.

I have received confirmation from no less than seven other people that have received the same spam message from Nedbank.

Not content with spamming you without being given permission, Nedbank are now making you work hard AND PAY to make them stop.

Please enjoy:

Nedbank – who exactly do you think you are? Surely this is illegal?

Even if you give me the option to ‘OPT OUT,’ are you allowed to send the SMS in the first place, if I didn’t consciously ask for this load of crap to be sent to me? That aside, I can’t even press reply – I have to start a new text to a special number and then type ANOTHER special number into that text AND you’re going to charge me for the privilege?

Again – that’s beside the point – because why did we get the messages in the first place?

And you know what – if for some reason what you are doing is NOT illegal, then you must be skating such a fine line that it makes you even more slimy than we thought.


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