Thursday, February 6, 2025

March 27, 2015

It’s Obama’s Fault That Kid Left One Direction [Video]

In the days that follow Zayn Malik's decision to leave One Direction people have been putting the blame on anyone and anything. Cue this guy taking a shot at Obama.

Oh the horror – Zayn Malik has left One Direction and snivelling teenage girls fans the world over are heartbroken (some disturbingly so). Chin up Directioners, I’m sure the other four can pretend to sing and dance just as well without him.

Now Republican Mitt Romney, the man who ran against Barack Obama in the 2012 elections, has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and poked a bit of fun at himself and others. Romney is known as one of the kings of the ‘awkward cringeworthy moment’ and didn’t hold back on laughing at his own expense.

He also cracked a few at the expense of Obama, including around the 1:30 mark where he cites the president as being responsible for Malik leaving the ‘band’.

Anyone keen to get Zuma on one of these shows? Could make for some interesting viewing.
