Sunday, February 9, 2025

April 1, 2015

Slow Motion Food Extravaganza With Hammerhead Comedy [Video]

Some things just look better in slow motion: knockout punches, dogs with their heads out the window of a car and, our latest addition, trying to catch a variety of foodstuffs with your mouth.

You know how everyone has that one party trick and they love to whip it out after a few toots? No, not the pants-down helicopter, that one is somewhat divisive.

Well I am amazing at catching food in my mouth, which makes watching this video of the guys from Hammerhead TV all the more funny. We should clarify that all food was past expiry date, there was no wasting and some of the scraps even went into making worm compost. How thoughtful.

For those unfamiliar with their work Hammerhead TV are a comedy collective who you’ll recognise from Crazy Monkey, Gary the Tooth Fairy, Pure Monate, The Toasty Show, Footskating 101 and Mandela: Long walk to Freedom. Seriously.

Good stuff lads, thanks for the laugh.
