If you managed to survive Plett, Umhlanga, Ballito or wherever else kids these days go post-matric to drink excessively and fornicate like rabbits, you will know that on any given day you could fill a scrapbook with the stupid things they do.
The trick to leaving your revelry behind and not dealing with any of the consequences seems to revolve around not getting filmed performing your drunken antics, which is something this 18-year-old guy in Mississippi is finding out the hard way.
Brady Eves, son of a former governor, is also a star football player and frat brother deluxe at the University of Mississippi. Now he will forever be known as the idiot responsible for force-feeding a hamster vodka, hotboxing its cage with zol and then biting its head off. This from the Daily Mail:
The footage, allegedly filmed during a drunken spring break party in Florida, could see Eaves charged with felony animal cruelty charges, which carry a maximum jail term of five years and $5,000 in fines.
Brady can thank the uploader of the video to YouTube, which caused PETA to catch wind of the incident and begin a manhunt. The Daily Mail again:
‘It is horrific. We don’t know who this man is but we are working to track him down and prosecute,’ [PETA’s Cruelty Casework Director Stephanie] Bell said.
‘Animal abuse is a community concern. People who abuse animals rarely do so only once and almost never stop there.
‘The link between cruelty to animals and inter-personal violence is undeniable. Many of our nation’s serial killers and most school shooters share a history of animal abuse.
You know who else often turns into school shooters and serial killers America? People that buy shit loads of guns over the counter. Maybe you should look at addressing that some time soon too.