Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Badass Granny Runs Thief Over In Her Mobility Scooter

My 86-year old gran arrives tomorrow for a ten day stay with me, but she prefers the trains so this probably won't happen.

Imagine being 92-years old and saving your 75-year old friend’s handbag, all whilst sitting onboard your mobility scooter? That really did happen in Swindon in the UK.

Eileen Mason and Margaret Seabrook were returning home from a lovely luncheon (yes, on their scooters) when a thief spotted their handbags in the baskets attached to the front. He jumped in front of them to grab Eileen’s bag and then the fun really started. She shouted “Oh, no you don’t!” and put her foot down on the accelerator and then…

I put my scooter into accelerate and turned really fast. The next thing I know he was on the floor. I thought ‘my gosh’. Something in me just told me to turn so I squeezed the accelerator and turned and he went flying. He was so evil looking. We go to the lunch club every week on our scooters and nothing like this has ever happened before. We went through the war and all the bombings. We won’t let a weasel like that hold us back.

Margaret explained that the thief obviously thought they were an easy target. Boy was he wrong. It’s a good thing nether of the ladies were driving a Vespa. They would have knocked the thief into next week.

Good on them for standing up and fending for themselves. How dare anyone take away their weekly catch-up.

[Source: The Telegraph]