Sunday, January 26, 2025

May 18, 2015

This Is Why They Call That Biker Gang Shootout Restaurant A ‘Breastaurant’ [Images]

The Twin Peaks chain of restaurants is in the news at present after the horrific biker gang attack yesterday. So where does their name come from then?

If you’ve been keeping up to speed with the news you will know that yesterday Texas played host to a violent shootout between two rival biker gangs. We covered it HERE, pop on over and get up to speed.

Now the shootout occurred outside a restaurant called Twin Peaks, which as you may have guessed is in reference to the waitresses who work there. The chain have even been referred to as ‘breastaurants’, with the staff usually sporting some impressive cleavage and dressing in bikinis and revealing tops.

If you’ve been to the Hooters in Durbanville you will have a pretty good idea what we’re talking about, but for the less well-travelled we will spell it out with pictures. Below you can enjoy a selection of Twin Peaks staff courtesy of their Instagram account.

I hear they serve a mean rack. The fact that almost 200 bikers gathered there is making far more sense now.

OK that’s quite enough of that for one day, get back to work.
