Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Gareth Cliff And Sports Minister Mbalula Are Having A Twitter Bitch Fight

I adore Gareth Cliff and his strong opinions. They're usually the truth and are well backed up with facts. Much like this one, which has started a little Twitter war.

We have all watched the massive FIFA showdown over the past few days. It has been incredible. Mind blowing, in fact. What with the letter and Sepp’s resignation, it’s a wonder everyone doesn’t just start playing rugby.

Obviously a few notable people have voiced their opinion, and one person who is always heard is Gareth Cliff. He’s a clever guy. I enjoy listening to his opinions. I may not agree with all of them, but it’s good to hear other points of view, otherwise you may as well go and live in a cave.

Anyway, yesterday, Gareth took to Twitter to put a bit of attention on South African sport’s minister Fikile Mbalula’s integrity.

It did not take long for Mbalula to respond.

Obviously Mbalula couldn’t just stop at one though, and sent through a whole tirade of comments.

Oh, hello twar!

In case you’re slow on the uptake, Mbalula is the guy who said that everything to do with FIFA 2010 was legit. Which it clearly wasn’t.

[Source: ENCA]