Friday, February 14, 2025

July 6, 2015

Donald Trump’s Predictable Response To The Massive Backlash Following His Mexican Comments

When you've essentially called those from your neighbouring country rapists and drug dealers you might think a sorry is in order. You know Donald trump better than that of course.

Some people aren’t very good at admitting when they’ve made a mistake, and Donald Trump is currently the poster boy for those who don’t know when to bust out the ‘I’m sorry ‘card.

In the wake of Trump’s disparaging comments regarding America’s neighbours to the South (that’s Mexico, watch his foot-in-mouth moment HERE) the backlash has been swift and forceful. He’s been dropped by some rather big hitters, lambasted on current affair shows across the country and generally been made to look the fool. That isn’t very hard, of course, but Donald isn’t done trying to defend his overtly racist anti-Mexican rant.

The business mogul appeared on Republican mouthpiece Fox News on Saturday, trying to talk his way out of the corner in what was a strange case of a man worth around $9 billion playing the victim card. Here are some excerpts courtesy of CBS:

I knew it was going to be bad because I was told this. All my life I have been told this: If you are successful, you don’t run for office…I didn’t know it was going to be quite this severe, but I really knew it was going to be bad.

It seems like I’m sort of the whipping post because I bring it [the issue of Mexican immigration] up. And I don’t understand whether you are liberal or whether you are conservative or whether you are Republican, Democrat — why wouldn’t you talk about a problem? The crime is raging. It’s violent, and people don’t want to even talk about it. If you talk about it, you are a racist. I don’t understand it.

The problem, Donald, is that you basically labelled Mexicans rapists and drug smugglers and are now seeking public sympathy. Surely outbursts such as these will have done irreparable damage to his presidential bid and all but ruled him out of the running?

You forgot this is ‘Merica we’re talking about didn’t you, because Trump actually tops Republican popularity polls with 13.6 percent support from the 14 candidates who have declared their eligibility. This has some Republicans worried and others delighted, as the Telegraph reports:

“Donald Trump is like watching a roadside accident,” Ari Fleischer, a former spokesman for George W Bush, told Politico. “Everybody pulls over to see the mess. And Trump thinks that’s entertainment. But running for president is serious. And the risk for the party is that he tarnishes everybody”…

Ken Crow, a leader of the Tea Party…reeled off a list of reasons why he was backing Mr Trump. “Americans are sick and tired of corrupt government and career politicians,” he said. “He will straighten out the economy and defend our borders. Americans want a John Wayne right now, someone who’ll be a champion of our country.”

Just remember comments like that last one when you rack your brain for how exactly George ‘Dubya’ Bush came to win a second term. Then again, one look at our top dog and it’s difficult to point too many fingers…
