Donald Trump seems to me like the kind of guy who doesn’t think the rules that apply to the rest of the world should infringe upon his fun.
Take for example a press conference where you are responding to stinging criticism from a fellow Republican candidate. Now normal rules dictate that you dish out your fair share of retribution, nothing wrong with that. They might also dictate that you stop short of revealing said candidate’s phone number, which is where Donald has missed the boat. Over to the Guardian:
“Don’t be a jackass,” [Republican presidential hopeful Lindsey] Graham said. “Run for president. But don’t be the world’s biggest jackass.”
He said Trump had “crossed the line with the American people” and predicted this would be “the beginning of the end with Donald Trump”.
Trump responded during his speech by calling Graham an “idiot” and a “lightweight”. He then held up a piece of paper and read out the senator’s cell phone number to a crowd of 540 people and a TV audience.
“Give it a shot,” Trump encouraged. “He won’t fix anything, but I think he’ll talk to you.”
Trump will never be accused of oozing class, but this latest stunt once again outlines just how out of touch he is with how now normal humans conduct themselves. Graham was forced to turn off his phone and later sent out this tweet:
I really wish someone would make public Donald’s number so we could bombard him with lewd pictures although, as one witty comedian pointed out, every selfie Donald takes is essentially a dick pic.
We’ll leave the last word to Graham’s campaign manager Christian Ferry:
The two people most excited about Donald Trump’s candidacy are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Because of Trump’s bombastic and ridiculous campaign, we aren’t talking about Obama’s horrible deal with Iran or Hillary Clinton’s plans to continue Obama’s failed national security agenda.