Friday, February 14, 2025

August 4, 2015

This Is Donald Trump’s Phone Number

Have you ever felt the urge to ring up Donald Trump and give him a piece of your mind? Well you're in luck then, some brave souls have just published it.

Not so lekker when the shoe is on the other foot now is it Donald?

Last month Trump saw fit to reveal rival Republican candidate Lindsey Graham’s phone number live on TV, a move that is more playground pettiness than presidential possibility. The move didn’t sit well amongst people with half a brain and it really riled the folks over at Gawker. So what have they done? You guessed it…

Since Trump, in his considered political judgment, has decided that opening up a direct, personal channel of communications between his supporters and his primary opponents is a noble campaign tactic, we think it’s only fair and right that Republican primary voters be able to reach out to Trump himself. If it is the case—as Trump’s release of Graham’s number implicitly argues—that our political discourse improves when voters can ring up candidates on their private cell phones, then we are happy to add Trump’s cell phone number to the body of public knowledge. You can reach Donald Trump at 917-756-8000.

Hold off before you try and ring Donald though, you have to throw in some international dialling codes mate. Throw a ‘+1’ onto the front of that number and you should ring through, although he apparently has an aide answer most of his calls.

So what would you like to say to the bloated oaf attempting to ruin America one ill-fated decision at a time? Maybe ask why he hates Mexicans so much, throw in that he raped his then-wife Ivanka back in the ’90s and finish by asking what the deal is with him being so disgusted by breast pumps.

 Or you could just go the tried and tested route…

Your call, maybe just ask the account payer first before you go ringing up a monster phone bill. You know he can afford to keep you waiting…
