Sunday, February 9, 2025

September 10, 2015

‘Just Do It, Babe’ – Horrifying SMS Transcript Of Girlfriend Encouraging Boyfriend To Kill Himself, Which He Did

If you've ever wondered what the opposite of messaging a suicide hotline would look like now you know. This young lady has a lot to answer for.

I think we’ve all been through that situation where a friend has had a boyfriend or girlfriend who you don’t approve of. They start to withdraw from the group because the partner doesn’t play well with others – next thing you hardly see them any longer.

Well as much as you might have disliked (or still dislike) that villainous character they have nothing on Massachusetts 18-year-old Michelle Carter, the horrid human who sent messages to her boyfriend Conrad Roy III encouraging him to commit suicide last year. Roy used a gasoline-operated water pump to poison himself with carbon monoxide whilst sat in his car.

Carter is now being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Her lawyer claims she actually tried to talk him out of it, only changing tack when it became obvious he was committed to the plan. How about we have a quick look at some of those exchanges then, these below their text messages from Newser:

July 7, 2014:

Roy: “if you were in my position. honestly what would you do”

Carter: “I would get help. That’s just me tho. When I have a serious problem like that, my first instinct is to get help because I know I can’t do it on my own”

Roy: “Well it’s too late I already gave up.”

Well that’s a good start from Carter, although what follows cannot be excused, these below following on from that day until June 12.:

Carter: “Always smile, and yeah, you have to just do it. You have everything you need. There is no way you can fail. Tonight is the night. It’s now or never.”

Carter: “(D)on’t be scared. You already made this decision and if you don’t do it tonight you’re gonna be thinking about it all the time and stuff all the rest of your life and be miserable.

You’re finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. No more bad thoughts and worries. You’ll be free.”

Carter: “I just want to make sure you’re being serious. Like I know you are, but I don’t know. You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.”

Carter: “When are you gonna do it? Stop ignoring the question”

It is at this point that she really ramps up the pressure, ultimately leading to Roy taking his life:

Carter: “You can’t keep living this way. You just need to do it like you did the last time and not think about it and just do it, babe. You can’t keep doing this every day.

Roy: “I do want to but I’m like freaking for my family I guess. I don’t know.”

Carter: “Conrad, I told you I’ll take care of them. Everyone will take care of them to make sure they won’t be alone and people will help them get through it. We talked about this and they will be okay and accept it. People who commit suicide don’t think this much. They just could do it.”

Then after Roy had committed suicide Carter sent this text to a friend, as reported on MSN:

“…his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I (expletive) told him to get back in … because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t let him.”

I guess Carter may not have fully understood the ramifications of her actions, although that will come as scant consolation to Roy’s family.
