A Mpumalanga traditional leader has invited State Security Minister David Mahlobo and other ANC senior leaders to consult him for muthi to improve their sex lives.
At one point, Mabhiva Mashego, a headman at the Mashego Tribal Authority in Swalala addressed the crowd:
Please listen carefully, as a sangoma, I am able to heal people. Even if a man’s penis no longer functions, he can go to his bedroom with his wife and the penis will be able to penetrate her. Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
And then, pointing to the three heads, finished:
Even yours.
And the crowd went wild.
I am saying also to every man who has a problem with his penis. I will help him, everyone knows that I do that.
Apparently, Mashego could not stop laughing along with Mahlobo and Moela, and said he would visit the headman for some muthi.
To the community, the royal family of the Mashego Tribal Authority, Mr. Mashego, I want to say that those brothers that am working with, if they have a problem, I will give them your muthi. I will come back and tell the community if it working or not.
One topic of discussion was brought up by community members who asked the MEC to allow sick notes issued by sangoma’s and prophets to be recognised and another requested that fake muthi being sold on the street to be destroyed.
[source: timeslive]