Wednesday, February 19, 2025

November 17, 2015

Here’s What Trevor Noah Said On The Daily Show About The Paris Attacks [Video]

At the beginning of his Monday evening show Trevor took a moment to share his thoughts on the tragedy that occurred last Friday.

In his first show since Friday’s horrific attacks Trevor Noah weighed in with his take on what went down in Paris. Of course it’s the job of every host to say a few words before the show kicks on with being funny, that much is true, but there was something rather poignant about Noah’s message of love.

His monologue took place early this morning our time so you’ll have to put up with that rather poor copy above, not that it obscures the message in any way.

Last Week Tonight host John Oliver took a rather different approach during his show on Sunday night. You might need headphones to listen to this one, Oliver going off on something of a foul-mouthed tirade so be prepared for bad language.

You make a good point John, remind us not to get on your bad side.

For more on how Trevor is handling his new gig check out the ratings HERE.
