This one is for you, Victoria.
And no, I’m not talking about his wife, I’m talking about my very good friend who has been crushing on David Beckham since all the way back when, when she had posters of him on her wall (and still likes a post or two on her Facebook wall).
The first time David has been granted the title in all 30 years of People Magazine’s declaration of the sexiest man alive and he is beautifully humble about it:
It’s a huge honor. And I’m very pleased to accept. I never feel that I’m an attractive, sexy person. I mean I like to wear nice clothes and nice suits and look and feel good, but I don’t ever think of myself that way.
Apparently when his very own Victoria heard the news, she was totally on-board.
I would hope that she feels this way about me all the time anyway!But she said, ‘Congratulations!’
Here’s a little gallery dedicated to David, a celebratory sex icon for nearly two decades. He sure has come a long way:
[source: people]