Monday, February 17, 2025

November 23, 2015

Black Man ‘Roughed Up’ At Donald Trump Rally [Video]

Trump does it again, but this time, it's with real violence and a real person. Things can only get worse if he doesn't drop his racist rhetoric.

Throughout our coverage of Donald Trump, there’s never been something quite as hectic as physical violence. Yes, he has spewed crap about other races and the need for a pure United States by promising the dispelling of hispanics and then the issuing of passes to Muslims when he becomes president.

So when a black man entered a Saturday Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama wearing a Black Lives Matter T-Shirt, he was “punched and kicked” by attendees after heckling the candidate.

At least a half-dozen attendees shoved and tackled the protester, a black man, to the ground as he refused to leave the event. At least one man punched the protester and a woman kicked him while he was on the ground.

Although a Trump spokesman said that “the campaign does not condone this behavior”, when Trump was asked about the incident by “Fox & Friends” (see video at the 9:30 mark), this is what he said (see video at 11:30 mark):

The man that was — I don’t know, you say ‘roughed up’ — he was so obnoxious and so loud. He was screaming. I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday — 10,000 people. And this guy started screaming by himself.

I have lot of fans and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy, who was a troublemaker who was looking to make trouble


#BlackLivesMatter protester at @realDonaldTrump rally says he was called “monkey” & N-word:

But even worse was when Trump, a day after the violent expulsion of the Black Lives Matter protester, tweeted a patently false, “race-baiting image”:

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 8.34.08 AM

Gawker broke down the information:

The data: It’s false. According to the most recently released set of crime statistics from the FBI (which are from 2014), 82 percent of white homicides are committed by other white people, while black offenders account for just 14 percent of white homicides.

And out of the total number of black homicides, 7 percent are actually committed by white offenders, while 89 percent are committed by other black people.

The Crime Statistics Bureau: It doesn’t exist. Not in San Francisco, where this fake data was supposedly sourced, and not anywhere else in the United States. It sure sounds real, though!


How long will his race rhetoric be predominant in his campaigning before things get really violent. He won’t be able to handle the reality.

[source: businessinsider&gawker&huffingtonpost]