When you sponsor a show called Our Perfect Wedding you’d think that was some positive brand association, although Absa are learning that isn’t always the case.
The bank were forced to withdraw their sponsorship after a slew of complaints that the show had normalised rape culture, one in particular from a member of the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition (SRJC) making headlines. Here’s eNCA:
The complainant, Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng said: “Rape culture is so normalised and in a country like ours, with the type of statistics around rape and gender-based violence, it is highly disturbing what we were shown on Mzansi Magic last night.
In the offending episode, the show follows Fanie and Bavelile Mkhwanazi, who are preparing to get married.
When asked about how and where they met, Fanie says they met when Bavelile was 14 years old and he was 28. Fanie then details how he had sex with a number of school girls.
At this stage you’re probably thinking how the hell this managed to make it through the various filters and onto the air. Hang on, it gets worse:
[Mofokeng wrote] “He (Fanie) proclaimed and very proudly that he used to ‘TARGET’ 3 to 4 school kids daily for sex and even had a schedule on how to fit them in.
“He explains how he waited for the after-school rush.”
When one considers that we are in the midst of the ’16 days of activism’ campaign it beggars belief that this would be screened. No wonder Absa ran for the hills sending this tweet:
Here’s Fanie the creep in case you wanted to put a face to the name:
You might remember a piece we did a while ago on sugar daddies in KZN, some of them preying on the students at the very schools where they taught. Looks like 16 days might just not cut it then…