Thursday, February 13, 2025

February 1, 2016

Claremont Club Nightmare Continues As Teen’s Hand Is Hacked Off

A panga-wielding attacked nearly took off this kid's hand in an attack that has left more questions than answers.

Yet another shocking incident has emerged from the depths of early mornings in Claremont. This time, 19-year-old Zander Vermeulen was attacked with a panga and subsequently ended up in hospital. His flatmate, Tayler Sani, spread the news on Facebook in a post. Here’s the beginning:

On the 23rd of January at 3am, my roommate Zander Vermeulen was attacked walking home from a club in Claremont. He had just walked a friend home, and was heading up Bowwood Road, to our apartment in Foyle Road. He was stopped by a small silver car coming from the opposite direction, and was asked for directions by the two colored men inside. While walking away from the car, one man excited the vehicle carrying a panga machete, and began to chase Zander. While running away, Zander was struck on the back of his head with the panga, and tripped. Trying to protect himself, he raised his arm up, and his hand was subsequently severed. He ran, holding his hand, back down Bowwood road, and the attackers fled. Zander then managed to reach our apartment, bleeding profusely and cried out for help. A friend, Blake Greenwood, and I were able to get Zander to the hospital in time. He had lost a lot of blood and he is truly very lucky to be alive. The outcome could have been very different.

The worrying thing about these attacks is that each one comes with its own set of circumstances. Zander wasn’t even robbed, yet attacked so viciously, so maybe this is a gang initiation? No one knows and no one has been arrested.

[source: iol]