You asked for good celebrity meltdown, Jasmine Stone, so here it finally is: Kanye melted down hard. Now it may be because of his recent “debt discovery” or Twitter overload, but on Saturday, Kanye West was recorded shouting at an SNL producer before he performed on the show. After dissing white males, Taylor Swift and the staff, he went on to say how badass he is:
Then the hotheaded rapper went on to proclaim that he is “50 percent more influential” than legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, Pablo Picasso, Paul the Apostle — who was handpicked by Christ to deliver the gospel — and even the notorious drug runner Pablo Escobar.
Kanye’s reaction apparently happened after SNL staffers ripped up some shiny flooring that was reflecting the stage lights, creating confusion on the video wall behind him.
Prima donna, much? That got him ranting:
Look at that shit they took my fucking stage off’a SNL without asking me. I am bummed … If I am going to do this we are breaking the motherfucking Internet.
He reportedly attempted to threaten to pull out but I guess he doesn’t have as bigger balls as Rihanna. After reasoning with the rapper, he remained and did his show. Sources had this to say:
It was like he was having an emotional breakdown. He was calling the crew ‘white m———–s’ and then said he was going to walk out. The only thing that stopped him from actually leaving right then was that nobody had access to the freight elevator. If he’d walked out on the live show, it would have been a disaster. And the whole meltdown was just because of the floor.
Kanye, shit’s getting to your head, dude, you need to find help ASAP.
[source: pagesix]