Thursday, February 13, 2025

March 7, 2016

Gauteng Is Going To Experience A Massive Heroin Shortage This Week

In order to escape a life of pain, people are addicted to bad drugs - but this policeman hit a mother load thanks to his hound.

In what has been deemed as one of the biggest drug busts, an officer and his dog searched a suspicious looking vehicle after the officer pulled it over. The dog acted positively when it closed on the vehicle’s fuel tanks and, upon searching, they found a stash of Pure Afghan heroin estimated at around R50 million. The drugs were packed in small bags that were then stashed neatly inside the tank.

Destined for Gauteng – and if you watched Carte Blanche last night you might have seen the segment on the heroin house in Tshwane and how the word for using is “spiking” – the Toyota Prado was pulled over at the Nkomazi Toll Gate on the N4 in Mpumalanga yesterday. The car was on its way from Mozambique.

The driver of the vehicle was arrested.

[source: news24]