There are so many kinds of messy people: for some it’s the state of their bedrooms and for others it’s the state of their cars. People attend to different areas according to their personal interests, idols and involvement in activities.
As people grow older, the mess can either take over the house, in which case you may be known as a hoarder, or the mess can confine itself to one specific space. Here are a few cases of being messy:
Your room floor is an extension of your closet
If you pick up the closest item of clothing and your first two thoughts are, “Did I wear this yesterday?” and “Does it smell?” then you have been identified. All though it can be argued having a larger area to view your clothing leads to quicker selection, the reality is this is very rarely the case.
You have ‘that’ kitchen drawer
Old batteries, humorous bottle openers, charging chords for items you no longer own, pens with no ink, instructions on your third last microwave and a CD cleaning kit. Sound familiar? This is a sure sign that a clean-up is in order. That kitchen drawer can be emptied and put to good use.
Your garage is off limits
When you moved in this is where the car slept. Then it became temporary storage for exercising equipment. Now it is a place that must be avoided because one, you can’t get in anymore and two, you could be in danger of having to clean it out! Time to get the car back in the garage and the stuff in storage or out completely!
The spare room is not spare
Plans of having a games room, baby room, man cave, extra work station or even a library have ended long ago. This is now the room of, “I don’t know where to put it so I will leave it here until I decide.” The truth is that this room can be used in many wonderful ways and not just as storage space for things you don’t need or are not using.
The only space in your car is for you
When you have half your house you car then there’s a problem. From sports gear to the side table your mom gave you to empty water bottles, old clothes you’ve promised to donate and the source of that sour smell that has been there for weeks, it is time to clean.
When you own so much stuff it can be a problem when your home doesn’t house it all, we get it. But lack of organisation is extremely lazy – out of sight, out of mind, but come on!
One way to put it all into one place is by renting a space at your local Stor-Age and get 50% off your first month with 2ov. Easy, right? I wish you luck.
[source: stor-age]