Whilst the rest of the world watches the Trump train roll on, we’re left scratching our heads. In this day and age, are we really so full of hate and fear that we would consider voting this man into the Oval Office?
Of course his support isn’t limited to just the USA – as we told you last week there is actually a #SouthAfricansForTrump Facebook page. We were first alerted to the group by a story on The South African, although if you head over to read their piece you’ll see it has been removed.
That may have something to do with the group’s creator, Shane Brody, who wasn’t a fan of our story. We received this email from him:
Due to the fact that yours is the only contact address supplied on your entity’s webpage I am only able to contact you and I request that you please relay this correspondence to the relevant department without undue delay:
In respect of the piece written by a journalist employed by your organisation in relation to the #SouthAfricansForTrump facebook group I have been advised by my legal counsel to give your entity opportunity to withdraw the article from the public domain without delay. The article is not only one intended to demonise and therefore slander me in person but it highlights/promotes issues which have been taken out of context and therefore are misleading, spurious, and false. It also not only contravenes issues pertinent to constitutional privacy but also contravenes various media and publication laws which your journalist should have been aware of at the outset. You will note that the media organisation quoted in this article/used as reference: “The South African”, has withdrawn their piece from the public domain.
I trust I have made myself clear in this regard and await your entity’s co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Shane Brody
Thanks for getting in touch, Shane – we appreciate the feedback. Let’s run through what we published last week though, which took the form of a series of posts published on a PUBLIC Facebook group.
We then used a quote directly from The South African, who used the group’s own description of itself.
As for the ‘various media and publication laws’ we flouted, could you clarify for us please Shane, we’re always thirsty for knowledge.
Interesting that the name of the group has now changed from #SouthAfricansForTrump to #FollowingTheTrumpCampaign. It has also been made private, which means we can’t just pop in and see what’s been posted the last seven days.
On the plus side their membership has grown from 81 to 98 – are we not going to get any credit for that?